3 Ways to Provide Energy Data

There are three ways that you can provide energy data for a property: share a utility login, provide access to a third party utility manager, or manually upload energy data. We’ll use the data you provide to design the clean energy system that best matches the building’s energy use patterns.
Option 1: Utility login credentials (recommended)

The fastest and easiest option is to provide Lumen Energy with utility login credentials. We’ll obtain bills and interval data directly from the utility that provides your electricity. We handle logins securely, including industry-standard encryption and auditing.
Option 2: Third party utility manager

If you use a third party utility manager we can work directly with them to obtain the information we need. You can either provide login credentials or contact information. We recommend you let the third party utility manager know we’ll be reaching out to collect data on your behalf.
Option 3: Upload energy data

Finally, you can manually upload the data we need:
- PDF bills, preferably for the last 12 months
- At least 12 months of interval data (electricity usage every hour or 15 minutes)
We’ll review your submission for completeness and reach out if there’s anything missing.